Tobacco firms spend vast sums of money To ensure their product seems sweeter than honey A product loathsome in every way One which must be purchased every day You want to be like these glamorous folk So you light a fag and begin to smoke You feel quite safe because it tastes offensive No need at all to feel apprehensive You copy them as best you can Blowing in and out like a real tough man At first you're just going through the motions You haven't found the power of this poisonous potion Aping the actions, no problem there It's when you copy the fear that you must beware Each smoker dreads his nicotine falling low If he ain't got none, it is such a blow But you don't realise what's going on That you're about to be part of the biggest con Too late, you didn't watch your back The fear came from behind, a stealth attack Alessandra Liverani, 2003