Ambulance please come quick we have a medical emergency There is a person here quite ill they need fixing with some urgency What is the problem may I ask so we can send the right supplies Nicotine levels are very low, they must be raised or this man dies
Oh my goodness, that sounds quite serious I'll send the paramedics right away Let me know if breathing stops then we may have to start to pray So what drugs are you going to bring here to fix this poor person up They are feeling very poorly, I think that they have suffered enough
Well actually no drugs can help this person it's hyponicotinaphobia that they've caught Could you repeat that please did I hear it as I ought? Yes, you heard correctly I'll translate to you from Greek A fear of low nicotine in the blood is what's making this person freak
Sure, we can elevate nic levels by pumping some more in But that will not remove the fear so it will not be such a win This hyponicotinaphobia how do we remove this fear By reading doggerel such as this is one way and it's right here Alessandra Liverani, 2003