The air was alpine fresh and the lake surface glistening Bird song trilled for those who were listening What a great afternoon, thought Glenn feeling chipper A perfect moment to start up his new whipper snipper
It purred smoothly in his experienced hands Trimmed edges effortlessly at the most gentle command But while promenading proudly around his neat lawn Glenn spied a dog poo and he wanted it gone
It looked dry as dust so he thought he'd attack With his fearless whipper snipper, just give it a smack And it would harmlessly splinter and shatter But it was still moist so it splished and splattered
It splattered with power, it splattered with grace It splattered all over Glenn's spluttering face Flew up his nostrils, did not want to be wasted Left him a flavour the worst he'd ever tasted
It splattered his T-shirt, it splattered his jeans It was very much a poo splishing, splattering scene Poor Glenn hastily switched off the power And raced indoors for an emergency shower