Panic is a feeling that we all know very well Anxiety and uneasiness are others I could tell Although they serve a purpose, we avoid them at all cost When they appear within us we'd like to tell them to get lost
But if we discover in the dead of night Our house has flames shining oh so bright It's panic that makes us run for our life We know if we stayed we'd be in big strife
Panic is a quick, instantaneous reaction We need to respond quickly to feel satisfaction But sometimes it needs to be overridden Not always should we answer to its bidding
The fear of low nicotine in the blood Is one infamous example of such a dud You feel the panic start to rise "Light up a smoke" a voice within you cries
We can let panic grow faster and faster Or we can let ourselves become its master Remember that panic will not last forever We can overcome it if we are very clever
If we ride it through calmly knowing it won't last Realise it may return but know it'll be outclassed Eventually it will accept defeat most graciously And we can live our lives ever so much more vivaciously Alessandra Liverani, 2003