You've just found out the bad, bad news They need someone and it's you they choose To speak in public, you've never done it Now you must, you cannot shun it
The fateful moment has now arrived You walk on stage, oxygen deprived You cannot do this, but you know you must These people have put in you such trust
The paper in your hand's shaking slightly Your voice comes out a little tightly But as you speak, your fear decreases The trembling of your body ceases
The next time you are asked to do it It is as if there's nothing to it You stride on stage, a seasoned pro Receive applause and start to glow
If someone told you here today Right now those fags you must give away You'd stare out blankly, frozen stiff You'd rather jump right off a cliff
You used to be much more than able To not smoke for days, you had the label Of being one of those who did not partake You hadn't yet made your mistake
And you can be now what you once were Do it now, do not defer You don't want to stay in jail You can do it, jump the railrn