I sincerely hope that this letter will not come to you as a surprise Or embarrassment, since upon each other we have never laid eyes I am deeply sorry if I have in any manner disturbed your privacy Let me introduce myself, I am Dr Christopher F. S. McGee
I was into currency exchange business, a British national from the UK I have been diagnosed with Oesophageal cancer and it won't go away According to the docs, now I have only a few months to live I didn't lead my life well, never wanted to give
But now God has called me, did I mention I was stupendously rich And giving away all my money has become a real bitch I gave some to my family to pass it on to those in need But they kept it all to themselves in a show of unmitigated greed
I have two millions dollars ($2,000,000.00) with a financial institution abroad I'd like you to help me give it to charity, choose any of your own accord I shall communicate with you, and of the transfer give further detail Whatever your decision, I thank you for taking the time to read this email