Have you ever wondered why every single day People fall into the smoking trap for which they pay in many ways It must be a very clever trap ingeniously designed Because it's worked for hundreds of years and people still are blind
They see others all around them smoking for dear life But they don't for a second think that they would end up in strife Is it the initial unpleasantness that makes them think they won't get hurt Is it the desire to be so cool that takes them off alert
Is it because they don't realise that cigarettes cannot be enjoyed You either don't like them at all or without them are very annoyed There is no in between state you go directly from one to t'other And once you get there, boy are you going to suffer, brother
Each day you'll have to smoke some fags knowing it's killing you, Taking money from your pocket but it's something you just have to do You think you'll stop next week, next year but who are you trying to kid Next week comes the next and the next, soon you're forty-six
A lucky few can break the hold but others continue on Hating themselves for doing so because the battle they have not won Some poor souls get emphysema, it means they can hardly breathe Do you think that's going to stop them, no not until the final wreath
When those poor souls were young and free they felt so strong and sure That they could stop whenever they wanted just like you. Will you take the lure?