I was told to ring tomorrow at 3 o’clock her time In the land where Big Ben is famous for its chime A simple calculation, should not cause consternation Involving a simple primary school addition operation
On the eastern shores of this southern land I just had to add nine hours to the clock's big hand Using modulus twenty four, the number of hours in a day If I'm counting using fingers, well I'd rather not say
Which makes it midnight the next night at our longitude This simple sum did not take me long to conclude But then I remembered, and my hands began to tremble Daylight saving was about to start, and my arithmetic to dissemble
Tonight our clocks were moving forward an hour or was it back? And their clocks by one hour would take the opposite tack Once so clear, dark clouds were forming on the horizon A computation which would have even Einstein extremely frightened
If you think you will find the answer in this rhyme I'm sorry but I don't tally up in daylight savings time