uuuiiie – that’s not fair How can I display my fabulous flair So you think ywkqzjx is better Believe me, this is not a good string of letters
A few consonants and vowels is all I ask So that I am not given such an impossible task uuuiiie – what kind of joke is this? This game is not one that I’ll reminisce
There’s nowhere to go, the board’s all blocked Into Scrabble hell we’ve all been locked There’s Double Words galore way over there But we’ve got all tightened up in this little square
I thought playing Scrabble was supposed to be fun With letters like jxinaing, wtaiesr or tuodone Placing them down on the board with élan Seven letters at once, strategically planned!
Covering two triple word boxes all in one go Then you could just sit there happily and crow But what’s with this uuuiiie I’d rather be falling over and skinning my knee