They've been to the moon and back six times, no less Got dropped off and picked up, I was impressed For many years, I never questioned this outstanding feat Didn't even know others thought there had been a deceit
But recently I started reading what the sceptics had to say I pondered, I wondered, had we really been betrayed The flag fluttering in the breeze, footprints etched in dry dust Shadows at all angles, could it be explained without fuss
“Mythblusterers” attempted to convince us on TV Except on television, again, there may be tricks you can't see Prove it on television, come on, it’s got to be done live With investigators checking and watching that nothing’s been contrived
It was claimed the fluttering flag was under centripetal force And they even proved it (on television) , I laughed myself hoarse The footprint: that was explained using magical dust How this powder was made, well, we were just asked to trust
Will Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin go to their grave With the truth still locked inside, or could they be so brave To become honest men and let everyone hear That they never landed on our neighbouring sphere